SHARK ATTACK!! was born in the warm waters of New Orleans and quickly rose with the tide to prominence in the local scene. Equally influenced by Dick Dale, Louis Armstrong, ouds, and gnarly rock swells; Shark Attack!! is known for complete desertification of the surf genre, and tubular reconstructions of jazz and Celine Dion superhits.
Shark Attack!! specializes in shreddin' guitar riffs and boogie-down dancin’ grooves while maintaining the laid-back, beachy vibe of Oahu's best resorts. Surfers and shoobs alike will hang ten to the totally radical sounds of Shark Attack!! Prepare to have your brain turned to chum...
“Shark Attack!!’s debut 10” is more firmly planted in capital S Surf Guitar…though they certainly like to subvert it as well. (They have) a great energy live…It’s a band where each member has a distinct, noticeable contribution to the composition, and it’s great to listen and pick it apart like that.”
-Hunter King, Storm Surge of Reverb
“(Shark Attack!! gives) nods to musical classics that range from George Bizet’s “Carmen Habanera” to their natural surf predecessor, Dick Dale. Jon “Stingray” Caplan tears through guitar licks with a crisp tonality that feeds the beastly precision of Mendizabal’s drums. Shark Attack!!…finds balance and the means to act as a unit, making the album consistently fun and enjoyable. With many surf-rock and other cult-influenced bands cropping up these days, Shark Attack!! is one that should hold appeal beyond just the genre’s fans.”
—Robert Landry, Anti-Gravity Magazine